Pre and Post Natal Instructor
Training clients with specialist needs is a great way for fitness professionals to carve out a niche and gain a reputation in the industry. When a woman finds out she is pregnant her body undergoes a lot of changes for the little miracle to occur. This course will provide you with the knowledge to understand how these changes will be affecting your exercise prescription.
The trainer needs to consider the trimester that the client is in, contra-indicated exercises, previous training history, along with various special considerations and be aware of any symptoms which may indicate the baby or the mother is undergoing harm. This course will provide the trainer with the tools to offer safe and effective exercise prescription to women who are currently pregnant and women who have recently given birth.
This course includes:
Online assignment submission
Learner guide
Ebook manual
Additional online resource videos
Online tutor support
This course is completed via contact workshops and submitting all assignments using the HFPA Online Learning Platform.