Pilates Mat Instructor
This is a Pilates Mat training programme that provides a solid foundation in the principles of Pilates, including; alignment, breathing and core contraction. You will progress from a beginner level focusing on core strengthening exercises and postural awareness to an intermediate level that introduces more complex movements.
A Pilates Mat instructor helps in achieving a client’s optimum physical health through a series of movements that are designed to improve posture through breathing, flexibility as well as strength. It is ideal for anyone looking to secure a basic-level teaching credential and for existing fitness professionals looking to up their versatility and marketability as trainers. With this qualification, you have the opportunity to do what you love while having flexible working hours and running your own business! With this course you will be able to teach beginner to intermediate Pilates classes in a mainstream gym or studio environment.
This course Includes:
Contact course with online assignment submission
Learner guide
Hard copy manuals – Anatomy and Physiology, Pilates Mat Theory, Pilates Mat Practical
Additional online resources videos
Online Tutor support
This course is completed via contact workshops and submitting all assignments using the HFPA Online Learning Platform.