Advanced Occupational Certificate: Media/Programme Content Production Manager
The purpose of the Advanced Occupational Certificate: Media/Programme Content Production Manager is to prepare students to operate as a Media Programme Content Production Manager. A Media Programme Content Production Manager organises, co-ordinates and manages the production of audio-visual media content, television programme content and radio programme content and assist with the day-to-day delivery of the programmes on various platforms.
Our comprehensive programme and specialised sport elective: Sport Broadcasting is tailored to prepare students to function effectively in the sport and fitness industry, by empowering them:
• Administer and coordinate the production of the content for use in audio visual, radio, film and television programmes.
• Procure and ensure the availability of all relevant resources needed to produce media content for use in audio visual, radio, film and television programmes.
• Ensure compliance with all relevant policies and regulatory requirement related to the production of content for use in audio visual, radio, film and television programmes.
• Manage the production processes for the creation of content for use in Audio Visual, Radio, Film and Television programmes.
Sport Broadcasting
This qualification is targeted to provide a platform to further facilitate the professionalisation of an important sector within the communication and entertainment industry. The creation of media and programme content for audio-visual, radio and television is a growing niche market within a very active, growing, and lucrative global industry.
South Africa is already globally accepted as a provider of quality content for the radio, television and film industry - especially when it comes to sport in our country. We have proven ourselves as a cost efficient and quality driven partner to the global industry.
The industry is continuing to grow, and the evolution of new technologies is enabling the growth of the opportunities within the industry. The new technologies are also facilitating a merging of the skills requirements that traditionally separated the focus areas of radio, television and film.