The Role and Responsibilities of an Individual or Group Fitness Instructor
A fitness instructor is a professional who leads and teaches exercise classes, provides guidance and support to individuals or groups, and helps them achieve their fitness goals.
The Two Main Types of Fitness Instructors
There are two main types of fitness instructors, namely an Individual Fitness Instructor, (often referred to as a personal trainer), or a group fitness instructor (often referred to as a group exercise specialist). However, in the South African sport and fitness industry there is a difference between the types of fitness instructors and the levels of instruction that they are allowed to train on.
Individual Fitness Instructor
Individual fitness instructors work one-on-one with clients by designing customised fitness programmes tailored to the individuals goals and fitness needs. Fitness instructors provide personalised attention, correction and feedback to their clients. They typically train clients in a private setting, whether at home or a designated space in a fitness centre or a personal training studio. The single most important goal for an individual fitness instructor is to assist their clients to focus on individual fitness goals, progress and overall success.
Individual fitness instructors may specialise in the following once they have passed the exam:
- Assisting a client with weight loss or weight gain
- Providing strength training for an individual to become a better and healthier athlete
- Providing cardiovascular fitness to maintain a healthy lifestyle
- Teaching techniques to improve the flexibility and mobility of the client
- Assisting population groups like seniors or the youth to safely achieve their sport and fitness goals
Group Fitness Instructor
A group fitness instructor leads training sessions with multiple participants. Often these instructors teach pre-designed fitness programmes or choreographed routines. Group fitness instructors typically work in a group fitness studio or gym setting and focus on motivating and engaging the group, while ensuring their safety and achieving specific fitness goals.
What are the key differences between individual fitness instructors and group fitness instructors?
- Individual fitness instructors provide individual attention to clients, whereas group fitness instructors focus on the overall goals of the group.
- Individual fitness instructors design and deliver personalised fitness programmes for clients, while group fitness instructors have pre-designed fitness programmes that they present to a group of people.
- Individual fitness instructors predominantly teach in a private setting, as opposed to the group fitness instructor teaching in a group setting.
- Individual fitness instructors focus on an individual client’s progress, while group fitness instructors engage with the entire group in a motivating manner for all to achieve their fitness goals.
- Both types of instructors play important roles in the fitness industry, and many instructors choose to specialise in both individual and group training to offer a range of services to their clients.
How do I become a fitness instructor in South Africa?
The first step is to obtain a recognised and accredited qualification with a reputable training provider. The Health & Fitness Professionals Academy has recently become the first fitness academy in South Africa to provide the new National Occupational Certificate Fitness Instructor accredited by the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO) and registered with the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) on the qualifications framework.
The HFPA has developed aligned study materials and developed the course delivery on a visually appealing learning platform with gamification to keep students engaged. Final tests and exams (referred to as the certification exam) will also be written in an invigilated or proctored exam manner to ensure the academic integrity of the academy is maintained.
This NQF level 4 qualification is offered as either a full qualification under the umbrella Fitness Instructor or you can opt to choose only to complete one part qualification at a time. The two part qualifications are Individual Fitness Instructor and Group Fitness Instructor.
What is an occupational qualification?
An occupational certificate or diploma is a credential that equips individuals with the skills and knowledge required for a specific occupation or career path. Occupational fitness instruction courses offer several benefits, such as:
- A competitive advantage in the job market
- Preparation for careers in business and industry
- Practical and comprehensive programmes covering managerial activities
- Opportunities to earn credits for further qualifications
- Development of leadership and management skills through a basis in analysis and problem-solving
- Understanding of human behaviour and resources
Occupational qualifications provide a learner with knowledge modules - the theory part of the course, practical skills modules - where a learner applies their knowledge in industry and the final part of the qualification is an integration of theory, practical and workplace learning.
Occupational Qualifications in South Africa
The QCTO prioritises the development of occupational standards and qualifications in our country. The goal of these efforts is to facilitate skills development that aligns with labour market needs and supports the development of a capable workforce.
Fitness has historically been viewed as an occupation that lacks professionalism or recognition in South Africa, despite the successes individuals have achieved within this profession.
This occupational qualification provides a formalisation for a growing entrepreneurial career opportunity in the fitness and exercise industry and a platform for a certified group of individuals to go out into the workplace with a quality assured instructor certification.
How can the National Occupational Certificate: Fitness Instructor offered by the HFPA benefit me?
This accredited fitness instruction qualification assists individuals with employability in the sport and fitness industry.
Benefits of the qualification:
- It certifies that you are competent and qualified as a fitness instructor ready to do the job.
- It ensures that you can confidently and safely provide services to your clients because your qualification is based on science-based knowledge modules integrated with practical application and workplace learning.
- It reduces liability towards clients, as accredited certifications show that fitness instructors are trained to know what is safe for clients.
- It assists with employability as most employers require for fitness instructors to be in possession of an accredited certification.
- Through the total number of credits for knowledge modules and practical skills, learners work to articulate towards their level 5 credits
If you are still not sure whether you should pursue a career as a fitness instructor, speak with one of our career guidance consultants. They will explain the process of enrollment, admission requirements and the possible career opportunities that you might be able to pursue. By completing this qualification you also become an HFPA Graduate and our alumni have benefits such as a job opportunities Facebook page that can assist you in finding the best job to kick-start your career in the sport and fitness industry in South Africa.